We found 2 episodes of Beer With Geeks with the tag “superboy”.
Episode 244: Doomsday the Parrothead
February 8th, 2019 | 33 mins 42 secs
cyborg superman, death of superman, hank henshaw, john henry irons, kon-el, reign of the supermen, steel, superboy, superman, the eradicator, the metropolis kid
"The Death of Superman" and "Reign of the Supermen" animated films from DC.
Episode 204: The Voices In My Head
April 20th, 2018 | 26 mins 13 secs
action comics, brandon routh, bud collyer, bury the lede, christopher reeve, derek russell, fleischer cartoons, george reeves, gerard christopher, henry cavill, jimmy olsen, john haymes newton, krypton, kryptonite, lois lane, noel neill, phyllis coates, round 3, ruby spears, shoe, starkville's house of el, superboy, superman, with brian austin green
Superman turns 80! To celebrate, Frank is joined by friend of the show and Derek Russell of "Starkville's House of El | Krypton" to geek out about what makes the Man of Steel their favorite superhero. Cheers!